Susan Hazard
A surprise in an eyeglass case, a seascape painted in acrylics with the addition of three dimenional elements. The waves curl onto the seashore, graced with boulders, driftwood and glass.
Problems Corrected
Assemblage in eyeglass case, mixed media with recycled and new objects
6 1/4" L x 2 1/2" W x 1 1/2" H
$175, shipping included
(see contact for shipping details)
Let Me Call You Sweetheart
Assemblage in eyeglass case, mixed media with recycled and new objects
6 1/4" L x 2 1/2" W x 1 1/2" H
The blue suede high heel with tassels is decorative, but wearing the raised heel eventually results in deformed feet and pain. The screws, nails and thumbtacks are gold, signifying worth, but ultimately are painful. Men did wear high heels at a point in history, but it was to increase height and stature. Now women almost exclusively wear heels, hobbling themselves and creating problems for their mobility in the future.
Crap Shoot is the basis for our lives. For all we plan and expect, the Universe steps in and changes everything. Sometimes for winning, other times for losing. The tassels are symbolic of tassles on curtains: curtains for us. Red is for romance, the Jack of Hearts is the foundation for the shooter and the dice. The gold objects are land mines. Step carefully; surprises in life abound.
This slide, studded with rhinestones depicting valuable diamonds, is a symbol of feminine helplessness. One can barely walk in it without the person's heel potentially sliding off, and running would most likely be impossible. The soulful eyes watch society sing the glorious praise to the feminine, helpless woman, with only pain most likely in their future.
Copyright 2025 Susan Hazard
All rights of reproduction
remain with the artist.
The soldier is surrounded by landmines, but moving forward as a lamb to slaughter. The medal of bravery shines with an artificial glint, with the tarnished gold symbolizing the soon forgotten value of the sacrifice.
Discovered December 24, 2024
All Eyes On You
Assemblage in eyeglass case, mixed media with recycled and new objects
6 1/2" L x 3 1/4" W x 3" H
The squeezed shut eyes vs. all the open eyes. Chicken to see what's really going on? The next move is yours, blindly moving forward - or not.
Joke's On You
Assemblage in eyeglass case, mixed media with recycled and new objects
6 1/4" L x 2 1/2" W x 1 1/2" H
$175, shipping included
(see contact for shipping details)
Absurdities of Creation
Assemblage in eyeglass case, mixed media with recycled and new objects
6 1/2" L x 3 1/4" W x 3" H
Crap Shoot
Assemblage in eyeglass case, mixed media with recycled and new objects
6 1/4" L x 2 1/2" W x 1 1/2" D
High heels are designed to alter a woman's posture, to make her appear more sexual. They elongate the legs, accentuate the curves of the hips and buttocks and make the woman sway when walking. Unfortunately, they place excessive pressure on the ball of the foot leading to pain, discomfort, shorten the Achilles tendon and result in deformities as bunions and hammertoes. Plus they inhibit her freedom of movement. This shoe has a wild animal print, but the woman has been tamed. The shells hint at a future fate, a shell of a woman.
Surprisingly It Didn't Turn Out As Expected
Assemblage in eyeglass case, mixed media with recycled and new objects
6 1/2" L x 3 1/4" W x 3" H
Jack Peters
Assemblage in eyeglass case, mixed media with recycled and new objects
6 1/4" L x 2 1/2" W x 1 1/2" H
Hidden December 27, 2024
Lady Fingers
Assemblage in eyeglass case, mixed media with recycled and new objects
6 1/2" L x 3 1/4" W x 3" H
Future Disruption
Assemblage in eyeglass case, mixed media with recycled and new objects
6 1/2" L x 3 1/4" W x 3" H
Blue Suede Shoe
Assemblage in eyeglass case, mixed media with recycled and new objects
6 1/2" L x 3 1/4" W x 3" H
Remnants of a Life Well Lived
Assemblage in eyeglass case, mixed media with recycled and new objects
6 1/4" L x 2 1/2" W x 1 1/2" H
Breezy Day
Assemblage in eyeglass case, acrylic and recycled objects
6 1/2" L x 3 1/4" W x 3" H
She Always Has A Handle On It
Assemblage in eyeglass case, mixed media with recycled and new objects
6 1/4" L x 2 1/2" W x 1 1/2" H
$175, shipping included
(see contact for shipping details)
Unlocked Treasures
Assemblage in eyeglass case, mixed media with recycled and new objects
6 1/4" L x 2 1/2" W x 1 1/2" H
$175, shipping included
(see contact for shipping details)
Assemblage in eyeglass case, mixed media with recycled objects
6 1/2" L x 3 1/4" W x 3" H
The Small Voice Within
Assemblage in recycled Myntz metal box, mixed media with recycled and new objects
$ 95, shipping included
(see contact for shipping details)
Assemblages have returned!
These new works are small treasures.
The assemblages are painted and have added elements to create assemblages built into clamshell-style eyeglass cases of different sizes.
A selection of these finders-keepers assemblages will be hidden in various areas of the United States and Europe, available for you to find.
Watch for weekly photos and location coordinates on Instagram and Facebook.
Some assemblages will be available for purchase.